The Fulham Bilingual English

The Fulham Bilingual

A partnership between Holy Cross Catholic Primary and L'école Primaire Marie d'Orliac

Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English

Appeals Timetable 2025-2026

The following table sets out the timelines within which appeals must be heard. Appeals resulting from in-year admission applications or immediate entry will take place and be decided as soon as reasonably practicable. Appeals resulting from year of entry or transfer applications for admission in September 2022 will be heard according to the following timetable: National Offer Date on 16th April 2025.

LBHF Appeal Information 



Last date for lodging Appeal Forms
Appeals lodged after this date will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date

19th May 2025

Appeal hearing dates and time

All appeals will take place and be decided as soon as reasonably practicable.
NB Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least;
Evidence and papers for the hearing
Date by which the Clerk sends appeal papers including the school’s case to the parents, the panel and the admission authority

Statutory 10 clear school days’ in advance of the hearing.
7 clear working days’ in advance of the appeal hearing.

Additional evidence from the appellants
If an appellant wishes to submit further evidence which was not included with their initial appeal, they must make sure that it is received no later than:
Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing. The Appeal Panel must decide whether it should be considered taking into account its significance and the effect of a possible need to adjourn the hearing.

To be RECEIVED by 5.00pm on the day preceding three (3) clear working days prior to the appeal hearing.

Decision- Decision letters sent to the Appellants. (The letter that informs the appellant if their appeal has been upheld or refused.)

7 calendar days’ after the last appeal hearing (whenever possible)