The Fulham Bilingual English

The Fulham Bilingual

A partnership between Holy Cross Catholic Primary and L'école Primaire Marie d'Orliac

Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English Life at The Fulham Bilingual English


Mathematics is a creative subject essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.

A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of the world, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

Learning Mathematics develops imagination, rigour and precision as well as reasoning ability.

Pupils learn to solve problems with increasing complexity, which contribute to their understanding of mathematical operations.

At The Fulham Bilingual, pupils are taught the fundamentals of mathematics, how to recall accurately and with increasing speed; how to reason, be systematic and to solve problems. As you can see from the calculation policies, we have made decisions for every year group on which strategy to use, resulting in an understanding for the children of both English and French methods. Fundamentally, we believe that the best strategy is the one that will lead to the clearest understanding for all children.


Click to download:

Addition Calculation Policy

Subtraction Calculation Policy

Multiplication Calculation Policy

Division Calculation Policy


At the Fulham Bilingual we teach Maths through practical activities. Below, the child is 'making 10' different ways using cubes.


Once the children have investigated practically, they record their learning in their books!